The control unit for the Automatic Righting Bag System.
Activates a Pyro/Manual Operating Head based on a list angle to aid a capsized boat to automatically get back on its right keel by inflating a buoyancy chamber/ Righting Bag. At a 120-degree list angle, the system will send a signal to activate a Pyro/Manual Operating Head. They may also open a NO relay at a 90-degree list angle to shut down engines or close air inlets to the engine room. The system goes back to monitoring mode when back on the right keel. A self-check is performed every time the system is powered up and will indicate a green status LED for 5 seconds. While in monitoring mode the LED stays off until an error is detected or the system activates on a list-angle.
The Operating Head has a manual activation option making it possible to use a wire from the stern as backup.
LAD Control Unit
LED indicator, 3 colour
Not included:
Connector Box, HM-0430
Cable Control Unit to Connector Box, Marine Grade 2x0,75mm2, HM-0440
Cable, Control Unit to LED, 3x0,75mm2
Pyro/Manual Operating Head, TR-0210
Rearming Kit:
Protractor Assembly, TR-0211
Reset Tool, Multiple Use, TR-0212
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