TDS Skimmer Systems

Foilex TDS Skimmer Systems - Advanced Solutions for Oil Spill Response

Foilex TDS Skimmers stand at the forefront of oil spill response technology, offering patented high-performance weir skimmers designed for harbor, coastal, and offshore oil spills. These skimmers excel in handling a wide spectrum of oils, from light diesel fuel to heavy crude oil mixed with debris.

Key Features:

  • Patented Technology: TDS Skimmers feature patented high-performance weir skimming technology.
  • Versatile Oil Handling: Capable of managing various oil types, ensuring effective response in diverse spill scenarios.
  • Proven Performance: The heart of the system is the hydraulically driven onboard TDS Pump, housed in a 3-pontoon floating frame, along with the original self-adjusting skimming ring that has proven its efficiency since 1991.

Components of the Foilex TDS Skimmer System:

  1. TDS Skimmer: Includes Pump and 3-pontoon floating frame for efficient oil recovery.
  2. Hydraulic Powerpack: Diesel or electric-driven, powers and controls the skimmer via hydraulic hoses.
  3. Hose Package: Hydraulic and discharge hoses stored on specially designed Hose Reels for convenient transport and handling.

Efficient Operation: Recovered oil is pumped from the skimmer to the collecting tank through the discharge hose, ensuring a streamlined and effective response. The hoses, equipped with inflatable floats, are kept together for ease of use.

Choose Foilex TDS Skimmer Systems for a reliable, proven, and efficient solution to tackle oil spills in various marine environments.

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