Petro Tape – Marine Grade

Non woven stitch bonded synthetic fabric, fully impregnated and coated with neutral petrolatum-based
compounds and inert fillers. Petrolatum based PCS Anti Corrosion Tape is chemically inert and does not
polymerize or oxidize and therefore retains its’ water resistance and dielectric properties over an extended
period. It is free of chemical impurities.

Tensile Strength: lb/inch 45
Thickness: mils 51 minimum
Roll Length: 10 Meters / 33 ft
Roll Width: 2” – 12” (50mm – 300mm)
Mass: (g/m) 1350
Water Vapor Permeability: 0.12 g/m2 per 24 hours (ASTM E96-66)
Holiday Test: 10 KV
Service Temperature: -5 Deg. C. to +45 Deg. C. Maximum


Unalterable in composition and plasticity over a wide temperature range. A very high degree of impermeability to
water and unaffected by vibration. High resistance to mineral acids, alkalis, and salts.

Special Points:
Priming: All surfaces should be evenly coated with Petro Primer prior to application of
PCS Tape.

Finishing: Pipes wrapped with PCS Tape may be overwrapped with PCS Overwrap tape,
a self adhesive PVC tape for extra protection.

Overlapping:A 55% overlap is recommended, however, a minimum overlap of 15mm may
be used on pipes of diameter of up to 150mm and a 25mm lap on larger

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