Ship Launching Airbags (P Type)

Superior Performance and Durability for Ship Launching Operations

Ship Launching Airbags, also known as Roller Airbags, are specialized tools designed for launching or upgrading ships. These innovative airbags, first invented in 1980, have gained widespread popularity due to their cost-effectiveness, ease of operation, flexibility, and safety.

NANHAI P Type Ship Launching Airbags

Standard capacity airbag. Suitable for common and general operation environments.

NANHAI Ship Launching Airbag (P) diameter sizes range from 300 mm to 4,000 mm and length from 3,000 mm to 33,000 mm, and offer non-standard size manufacturing service.

Why Choose NANHAI Ship Launching Airbags?

NANHAI Ship Launching Airbags are crafted using the world's leading high-tech raw materials and unique production technology. These airbags are designed to endure extreme environments, providing a lifetime of reliable performance. Manufactured in accordance with ISO 14409:2011 standards, our airbags surpass these benchmarks to offer superior durability and safety.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Exceeding ISO14409 Standards: Our airbags outperform the ISO14409 standards, ensuring higher durability and safety.
  • High Safety Factor: With a safety factor of 4.5 times (compared to the normal 2-3 times), our airbags offer enhanced protection.
  • Harsh Environment Suitability: Engineered to perform in the harshest conditions, ensuring reliability in all scenarios.
  • 4-Part Structure: Unlike the conventional 3-part structure, our airbags feature a 4-part design for added robustness.
  • Exclusive Rubber Material: Specially developed rubber materials withstand the toughest environments.
  • 3-Strand Synthetic Tire Cord: Utilizes a 3-strand synthetic tire cord, superior to the normal 2-strand, for increased strength.
  • Integrated Functionality: Both ends of the airbag can be dragged, inflated, and pressure measured, enhancing operational versatility.
  • No Burst Complaints: Our rigorous quality control ensures zero customer complaints about airbag bursts.
  • Stainless Steel Air Inflated Valve: Durable and reliable valve for consistent performance.
  • Talcum Powder Removal Process: Industry-leading process ensuring cleaner and more efficient airbags.
  • Wide Range of Sizes: Available in diameters from 300 mm to 4,000 mm and lengths from 3,000 mm to 33,000 mm.
  • Customization Available: Tailored to meet specific requirements, ensuring the perfect fit for any project


  • Ship Launching
  • Ship Upgrading
  • Caisson Moving
  • Ship/Caisson Lifting

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